Monday, February 14, 2011

Challenge 17

It's a special day to celebrate love, Valentine's Day! Today, reach beyond the usual!  Hand deliver the cards you made last week to your friends and family today!  Reach beyond your usual scope and pass out some extra store bought Valentine's to people you see or interact with in your day that you don't always acknowledge!  Go to you favorite coffee shop and take them a card.  Buzz by the doctors office or leave a Valentine for the Mail Delivery Person!  Have fun with it and spread the love! Happy Valentine's Day to you all!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Challenge 16

This week is time to start preparing to celebrate Valentine's Day. Grab a pack of kids Valentine cards (for you to give out) or make some by hand. Prepare as many as you can for next week's challenge of delivering all of the Valentine's you make this week. Have fun crafting and/or writing sweet nothings!